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Cardamom Honey Chocolate Tahini Cookies


An old friend of mine used to say, “everything in moderation, including moderation.” I think this is a good guideline for life and food. Although mostly one ought to eat a diet rich in vegetables and whole foods, cookies are medicine, sometimes. Here is a cookie recipe from me, suitable for those with dietary restrictions. Coconut oil replaces the butter to make a dairy free recipe, and spelt flour is lower in gluten (but not suitable for Celiacs). If you replace the honey with maple syrup (and eat in moderation) these cookies are low FODMAP as well.


½ c. coconut oil
1/3 c. honey
1 tsp. vanilla extract
½ c. tahini
½ tsp. cinnamon
1 pinch cardamom
1 ½ c. spelt flour
½ tsp. baking powder
2 Tbsp. cacao powder


Melt coconut oil in saucepan. Add honey, vanilla, and tahini and stir.

Whisk together cinnamon, cardamom, flour, and baking powder in separate bowl. Add wet ingredients and whisk. Add cacao and stir until lightly mixed to create a mottled colour (alternately just add to dry ingredients to mix in evenly). Place in fridge for 45 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350F. Slice or scoop dough into 2” round pieces. bake in over for 10 minutes or until fragrant and bottoms start to turn golden brown.

Health Benefits:

When I make a sweet treat I still think about nutrient density. Honey contains antioxidants, enzymes, pollen traces, and vitamins/minerals that white sugar just doesn’t have (although it’s still a sugar, don’t forget). Spelt flour, as a whole grain, contains iron, magnesium, vitamin B3, and zinc, and is more nutritious than white flour. Tahini is more nutritious and less inflammatory than peanut butter. It contains b vitamins, magnesium, copper, zinc, as well as plant sterols and lignins shown to help prevent atherosclerosis. It also provides added fat and protein that helps balance the blood sugar spike of the sugar in the honey. Cinnamon as well helps balance blood sugar. Cacao is less refined and more nutritious than cocoa powder, which is heat processed so has a lower antioxidant content. Cacao contains vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, and manganese.

And yet, despite these health benefits, I’m far too much of a foodie to sacrifice flavour. These cookies are (relatively) healthy and delicious!
