Feminist Health Care
What is feminist health care? It’s not about women particularly, it’s a perspective and way of being. Here are my thoughts, feminist health care is...
Taking care of our bodies for OURSELVES not as a performance or to look a certain way (I.e. exercising just because it feels good)
Care that incorporates body, mind/emotions, and spirit as essential aspects of health
Care that acknowledges the impact of race and socioeconomic status on our health
Care that incorporates community health and environmental health, not just human health
For patients it is…
Leaving the office feeling seen, heard, and cared for
Retaining (or developing) a sense of sovereignty and empowerment with respect to their own bodies. Knowing they can take care of themselves and have the skills to do so, but also knowing they are supported and not alone
For myself, as the doctor, it is...
Asking and listening more than telling
Deeply trusting the experience my patient is having of their own body. Believing them.
Trusting my patients’ intuition. Trusting the things they know they know. AND, using my medical training, because that is why they are there to see me
Co-creating treatment plans together with my patients so we can decide together what is going to be efficacious and also manageable
This is how I work. These principles are the foundation of how I approach every one of my patients, irrespective of their health challenges. Feminism as a lens is useful to illustrate my philosophy and approach. If this resonates with you, I invite you to reach out. I would love to work together!